Monday, June 10, 2019

Report on Religious Field Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Report on Religious Field Research - Essay ExampleOm Peace, Peace, Peace. (Om asato) Prayer over, the Preacher muddled no time in beginning the days lecture The Perfect Masters of all religions mention about the equal transcendental truth. What they tender to explain is beyond the realm and boundaries of words, thoughts, feelings and the capacity of body-mind-intellect. My submission is also an outline, and not the reality of spirituality. That has to be practically experienced by you. There is much to a greater extent in this cosmos than what the senses can detect or the mind can comprehend. The totality can be comprehended with the help of the Third Eye, which headmaster Jesus proclaims, When thine Eye be Single The problems arise when the Transcendental verity is explained by the mind-level philosophers, intellectuals, preachers, mullahs and pundits. Arguments and counter-arguments follow. Misunderstandings generate and conflicts arise. This is the genesis of religious confli cts. If the founders of all the religions be to sit unitedly and engage in a discussion, actually there would be no discussion as there would be no differences of opinions amongst them. Though they use variant languages and tender contrary examples, they are speaking about the same truth, the Ultimate Reality For example, the source of energy for all the electrical appliances is electricity. The followers of different religions must stop quarrelling and grasp the underlying essence of the revelations by their Masters. World Peace becomes an attainable reality if they follow the revelations of the Masters in true letter and spirit. What difference does it make if you call electricity by some other name, it is the same entity and its power remains the same? Similarly hail the Consciousness that governs cosmos, the All-pervading Reality by any name, Jesus, Allah, Rama, Krishna, God or whatever you like. That Power is the same. God, who exists even before the creation and from whom the entire humankind originates and gets manifested, in whom the entire universe exists and in whom the entire universe will be withdrawn, eventually and that Light of your Consciousness, which is the Illuminator, the Witness, the self-importance within, which is aware of the presence or absence of thoughts in the mind, is one and the same That Thou Art You are not the body-mind-equipment, which you have assumed yourself to be, till now. Know the technique to stabilize your mind, transcend it and you will know that you and God are the same entity The eternal search ends and no further running around are needed. All ambiguity stands vanished. The mind is an instrument in the hands of the Self just as the body is an instrument controlled by the mind. Matter is motion outside, the mind is motion inside. Theoretical arguments only lead to arguments and counter-arguments. It is impossible to realize the accuracy through arguments. This is the reason that the name of God, which out to b ring peace and happiness to humankind, has been the cause of gore in the world. The pages of human history are daubed in bloodshed due to bitter quarrels in the name of religion and race. Reach out for the direct

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