Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Climate Change Essay
Once, I visited a hospital for my health checkup,there I saw a hu piece of musickind with shattered skin,rashes all everywhere the soundboxclearcut it was the case of allergy.Doctors be rushing and make report on it.After a hebdomad I again visited that hospital for my plan checkup,then I came to know a noble news-that allergy case was the case of Ganga bathtub Alas Holy river Ganga, ancient river Ganga ,that Ganga which takes extraneous all the sins from mankind, today causing allergy,irritation,skin rashes that man has to pay price for his religious judgement Also scientists got some samples from Ganga from specific places having unsoundness causing microbes.This elflike case itself taper the transfer we have made in our nature. Change is the law of nature, diversity is inevitable and qualify is ever issue process,but Climate Change is wholeness of the well-nigh complex,multifaceted and serious nemesis that the World face. Whether you argon adding your bit to the heap of feed waste passel up in your locality or not become meaningless when the scraps begins to rot-the stench depart reach your twine too,Climate Change induced by globular warming works much the very(prenominal) way. World famous scientists all over the country had evaluated clime falsify and came to finale that Greenhouse Gases ,CFC, Carbondieoxide and many other(a) poisonous blow outes ar the cause of environment degradation.Though it is accepted scientifically,the root lies elsewherethat is in the avariciousness of humans being.Our greed led to adavancement of applied science and led us farther from stop and prosperity of all.Increasing consumption of electrical energy repayable to intiation of sev durationl new industries,disposal of garbage without treatment to maximize profit,use of environment hazardious substances standardized polythene in our free-and-easy carriage are concrete examples of human greed. batch have been influencing the Biosphe refor at least 8000 long time,since the figure of Agriculture,but Climate Change has proposed a little terror over our Agriculture.The most affected globeing field of Climate Change go forth be Agriculture and its biodiversity. The first and foremost pertain of mood transmute is in biodiversity in particular Islands biodiversity.nearly one fourth of the solid grounds countries are Island and they are treasure trove of biodiversity.Also they provide food,fresh pee ,wood,fibre,medicine,fuel and other raw materials. But change magnitude sea level has given a alarm threat to them,The New Moore Island of India in Sunderbans has been consumed recently by rising sea,many other Pacific atoll nation Island of Kiribati,Islands of Vanuatu also submerged in early history.we are loosing broad . biodiversitythese are initial casesRather IPCC has warned that a rise in sea levels of among 18 and 59cm by 2100 would be comely to submerge many other thumping islands, including Maldives and make them unhabitable,also of the 724 recorded animal extinctions in 400 years about half were Island species .also climate change bequeath require degradation of coastal environment and inhering re semens on which poor rural mint depend.Higher rates of erosion and coastal land loss whitethorn vanish our islands In context of Agriculture,sea level rise leave also cause change magnitude brininess due to encroachment of the sea and salt water intrusion into freshwater lenses,contributing to an increasing shortfall of water supply and loss of factory farm land.The most vulnerable section leave be the poor and marginal farmers with small landholdings because extreme weather events pass on oddly occur in tropics,fundamental changes in rainfall pattern together with rising temperature testament shorten growing season and cast d profess crop productivity World believe 75% of 1.2 billion plurality are trapped in extreme poverty,so they volition fail to adopt n ew whirling practices and thus most vulnerable to climate change. World wide farming is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions accouting for 20% of numerate emissions.Atmospheric concentration of methane has much than doubled during the past 200 years.Natural wetlands,fossil fuels associate to natural gas,coal mines coal industry,electric fermentation,rice handle,biomass burning,landfills accont for 75% of methane end product in our environment. thus major(ip) source of greenhouse gases is market-gardening itself. Rice fields are the most significant contributors of atmospherical methane accounting for 11-13% of the worlds total methane production. Also, rice production will consider to expand by around 70% over the next 25 years to meet the demands of fast growing human population whose food demand is judge to double in developing world in next 40 years. therefrom if we add our crop area specially staple crop area in near future then the task of global warming is likely to increase. already in todays era 800 million flock are unnourished, in India only 30 million people suffer hunger,46% children are underweight and 17000 people are dying per day due to hunger on an average. Thus in near future we are going to face a great threat not only of climate change but also of food tribute. However, Not all effects of climate change on agriculture are expected to be negative, most of the major food crops are C-3 plants including staple food like rice ,wheat, oat, barley will show increase in conk out ranging from 25% to 64% due to increased CO2 level, also most of the noxious weed are C4 plants and their growth will be checked.But this is only one side of the coin ,increased temperature due to increase in CO2 level may rise the pest flame up to 25% and fungal disease attack up to 20% and also bewilder our monsoon pattern.In an overview it can be said that it will create more and new task rather than benefits because the worst sufferers woul d be farmers of Rainfed agriculture which cover 60% of all cultivatable lands. Today humanbeings have become parasitical on technologies which are dependent on non -renewable resources and produce illeffects in long run.nowdays we recite that glaciers are shrinkingmay be shrinking but more that the nerve of the people and their philosophy is shrinking too.while the drastic effects of global warming has been discussed in many scientific circles,had their run on T.V. and even had well meaning Hollywood films but the require of the bit is to change ourselves,to reduce our luxurious wants. The need of the hour is to developa) True sustainability,there should be synergies among climate mitigation strategies and development policies in areas of energy efficiency,fuel substitution,renewable ,afforestration,and land and waste management. b) The homework should not be for temporary scotch gains and support,but for sustainability in future as well.There should be partnerships with co mmunities,individuals,and private sector to frame efficient measures to reduce the impact the effect of climate change.Today we all peoples of the world need to change our habbits ,not only in rustic practices but also in our daily life practicices Switching of fans and light forwards leaving room ,efficient use of water at home , proper garbage disposal at micro level, though seems to be a very sharp step but the huge edifice of true sustainability will only spurt above these basic steps because this will be the 1st step against our greed, so step ahead and realize your own responsibility ,because it is not the time to anathematize the darkness but to light a small lamp.References1. Know climate change by Tanya Agarwal2. Global climate change by Arnold J.Bloom3. Science Reporter (CSIR)4. IPCC website
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